The Game – The Documentary

The Game - The DocumentaryWhen I first heard The Game, I kinda liked him. He didn’t suck, he wasn’t excellent, and (in my mind) he definitely didn’t deserve the hype he was getting. My opinion of him hasn’t really changed since then. Through months of the newest G-Unit member’s bragging about being the one to bring the West Coast back into the center of the mainstream I looked forward to this album simply waiting to see if–and hoping–he could prove it.


1) Intro (Produced by Dr Dre)

Just an intro.

2) Westside Story ft. 50 Cent (Produced by Dr Dre & Scott Storch)

The beat comes in first. It’s pretty good, a deep piano chord with a higher piano chord over it; only problem being it gets a bit repetitive. For being produced by two of the hottest single-producers past and present, it’s pretty disappointing. Game begins by shouting out various gangs (how else?)..his first verse is pretty good, though a bit simple and lacking in substance (nothing WOW) but it’s not bad, either. This continues through the rest of the song. 50 Cent jumps on the chorus, yelling Westside. (Decent)

3) Dreams (Produced by Kanye West)

For Kanye, this beat is exceptionally simple. The producer seems like a shadow of himself by this beat–no soul, no chanting chorus, no catchiness, though it has his trademark strings near the chorus. The sample of a man chanting “dream” in the background gets annoying, though it’s clearly supposed to be used like Fabolous used Blaze’s “breathe,” though it doesn’t seem to work quite as well. Game again shouts out his producer and pretty much everyone else, while simultaneously boasting about his own life. (Poor)

4) Hate it Or Love it ft. 50 Cent (Produced by Cool & Dre)

Here, finally, is a catchy beat. Complex snare with a solid kick, over an upbeat Christmas-sounding slightly jazzy xylophone/sax chord. 50 comes on first; typically, his flow is on point, though his lyrics are lacking. He again sings the chorus, joined by Game–chorus being the best part of the song after the beat. Game’s lyrics are a bit better on this one, but AGAIN shouts out 3 or 4 people. (Good)

5) Higher (Produced by Dr Dre & Mark Baston)

The second single. The beat, being a little more layered, is better than Westside Story’s; four synth keys and a short chord, with some dramatic horns in the background. Game gets right down to shouting out other artists, though otherwise his verse is decent and flow is good. The chorus is good and catchy, but still involves shoutouts, as does the rest of the song. Good club track. (Good)

6) How We Do ft. 50 Cent (Produced by Dr Dre & Mike Elizondo)

The beat, again a simple one, is at least a bit catchy; it consists mostly of a high string and a dramatic, deeper chord. Game’s first verse (and those following) are below average, plus his flow is off. 50, singing the chorus again, manages to be forgettable..his verse is pretty bad but his flow, at least is on point. (Decent)

7) Don’t Need Your Love ft. Faith Evans (Produced by Havoc)

It’s a shame, really. The first really good beat on the CD, Havoc seeming to recover from his Amerikaz Most Wanted slump, with a Kanye style sample all warped and screwed over a sullen chord…and Game’s rapping starts to sound like 50 Cent’s–but only until about mid-verse, then it jumps back up to average. Faith on the chorus sounds angellic, fitting almost perfect over the Hav track. Game’s second verse is better, but overall what was clearly supposed to be a deep cut simply isn’t done right. (Decent)

8) Church For Thugs (Produced by Just Blaze)

This is a beat that sounds very little like Blaze’s usual production. Over upbeat horns and a marching drum, Game demonstrates his half-thought-out attempts at combining consciousness with gangsterism: “I just shot a video for it and spent half the budget/I’m Gangsta!/Let the 40 Cal go in public/More hatred inside my soul than Pac had for Deloris Tucker/” followed directly by “Every time one of my niggas get shot, the more I suffer/Cuz we trapped inside a world where you forced to die for your colors/” (Poor)

9) Put You On the Game (Produced by Timbaland)

This particular beat sounds very southern, very much like Tim’s usual. It’s a pretty nice beat. Game spits typical, by-now-boring shout out/car/gangstaness which is supposed to represent his life. (Poor)

10) Start From Scratch ft. Marsha of Floetry (Produced by Dr Dre & Scott Stortch)

The beat is less minimalist than the last Dre/Stortch cut, in fact it’s pretty good. Game spoke on his cut in an interview, the one where he comes into the studio drunk and spits; he never should have done that, since it completely destroys the beat and Marsha’s singing, what could have been The Game’s own Many Men. (Poor)

11) The Do*****entary (Produced by Jeff Bhasker)

It seems a more aggressive beat spurs Game on to spit more aggressively; his flow is better here, over an ever-changing beat several layers deep, a hard chord with electric guitar riffs and a high string–basically what Dre’s beats should still sound like. Through above-average verses, the chorus is the best part of the song: “I was Ready 2 Die without a Reasonable Doubt/Smoke Chronic and hit it Doggystyle Before I Go Out/Until they sign my Death Certificate, All Eyes On Me/I’m Still At It, Illmatic and that’s the Do*****entary/” Game’s whole album SHOULD sound like this. (Good)

12) Runnin ft. Tony Yayo (Produced by Hi-Tek)

Tek’s beats are usually good, and so is this one–more because of the crooning over the backdrop than the uniform drums and feverish string that make up the track itself. Game relies on his usual, the widely effected three-syllable rhyme style, once again. His lyrics are slightly more metaphorical, but it obviously takes effort not to start shouting out people or telling us what he drives (he does let us know what shoes he wears). Yayo drops a pretty bad verse, nothing really rhymes and he reuses the same words (with the same meaning) several times. (Decent)

13) No More Fun and Games (Produced by Just Blaze)

Ironically, the album’s most G-Funk-sounding beat comes from a New Jersey producer who routinely does tracks with New York and Philly artists…Blaze. It’s a good beat, though, a funk sample with a “crowd” that gives the song the atmosphere of a party, and makes Game’s lyrics secondary. (Good)

14) We Ain’t ft. Eminem (Produced by Eminem)

It’s not a great beat (as you can imagine) but it’s not a horrible beat, either (a step up for Shady). With Eminem on the track, Game can’t resist shouting him out about three times in the first verse; on the upside, he raps about releasing racial tension, but on the downside he probably only does it cuz he feels he has to. Em’s verse is one of the best I’ve heard him spit in a long time, both lyrically and flow-wise. Game’s second verse sounds ghostwritten, it’s in Em’s style. (Good)

15) Where I’m From ft. Nate Dogg (Produced by Focus)

The Aftermath staff producer does a good job with this one; nicely laid back, with Nate crooning the hook, it just sounds good. However, Game’s first verse is probably the biggest orgy of name, car and shoes-shouting on the entire CD. The rest of them are decent, but again just average. (Decent)

16) Special ft. Nate Dogg (Produced by Needlz)

Needlz is an unknown producer to me, but if this beat is anything to go by he’s got some skills. It’s a catchy, slightly warped chord over a shuffly snare with an upbeat kick. The beat and Nate’s hook overshadow Game’s rhymes; a good club track. (Good)

17) Don’t Worry ft. Mary J Blige (Produced by Dr Dre & Mike Elizondo)

This loungy backdrop suits Mary J’s vocals nicely, and the transformation when Game starts to rap is both seemless, though it becomes really simple. Game’s rhymes are decent, as a ladies song it’s not bad (better than Banks’ Smile) but that’s because of the beat and Mary J, not Game. (Decent)

18) Like Father, Like Son ft. Busta Rhymes (Produced by Buckwild)

The beat is nice, pretty emotional; Busta does a nice job on the chorus, unfortunately that’s all he does. Game has all three verses, and they’re not bad. (Good)


Average. Pretty much everything is average, disappointing for someone so hyped. His lyrics aren’t especially skilled, and consist mostly of telling us who he runs with, what he drives and what he’s wearing on his feet. While many of the beats are good, none of them (except maybe one) sound particularly West Coast, and there are NO west MCs on here whatsoever…I dunno how he can claim to bring the west back, when he doesn’t rep the west!

Overall Rating: 3/5 (Average)

My Recommendation: Download, keep the ones you like. Or get the instrumental CD.

Jaylib – Champion Sound

Jaylib - Champion Sound1. L.A. To Detroit


2. McNasty Filth(Feat Frank N Dank)

Madlib produces the beat and it’s really good. Just in case you don’t know who Jaylib are, they are Madlib & J Dilla. Dilla & Frank N Dank rap on this and they all come tight. Good track. Good

3. Nowadayz

Dilla produces the beat and it sounds like a Madlib beat, nice and weird. Madlib raps on this track and he comes tight, this is about women and how they can be greedy. Dope track. Good

4. Champion Sound

Madlib produced the beat and Dilla raps on this track. I find this track to be boring, the beat is average at best and Dilla just isn’t a great rapper. Average

5. The Red

Dilla produced the beat here(Sense a pattern?) and it’s pretty good, it has some nice singing samples in it. Madlib raps on this track(Again do you sense a pattern here?) and he comes tight giving props to Pete Rock here, even Quasimoto makes a very short cameo. Good track. Good

6. Heavy

Nice beat by Madlib, very bass heavy and low. Dilla comes tight on this track. Good stuff. Good

7. Raw Sh–t(Feat Talib Kweli)

Kweli & Madlib together over a Dilla beat? Interesting! Madlib outshines Kweli here. Kweli annoys me on this track, good enough. Good

8. The Official

DOPE! One of the best Madlib beats I have ever heard, it fits Dilla perfectly, great but short track as a weird skit kicks in towards the end, that doesn’t ruin the track. DOPE!

9. The Heist

Dilla produces a decent beat, it’s nothing great or anything but it gets the job done. Madlib does a good job carrying the track, even Quasimoto makes a short cameo. Good

10. The Mission

Not a good beat by Madlib, the beat is way too loud and an annoying high pitch kicks in and ruins everything, plus Dilla’s vocals are too low. Weak track. Wack

11. React(Feat Quasimoto)

DOPE!!!! Dilla produces a party type beat here. Quas on a party track? Well sort of as the beat is party-ish, the lyrics are somewhere else. Quasimoto starts with a great verse, I dig the Quas character it’s sheer genius and The Unseen is my all time fav album next to Ice T’s “OG”. Back to the track as Quas & Madlib trade lines for the second part. Madlib has the third part of the song. Quasimoto!!!! with the fourth part of the track. Great track! DOPE!

12. Strapped(Feat Guilty Simpson)

So so Madlib beat, it just sounds average. Dilla comes decent on this track. Average

13. Strip Club

Dilla produces a pretty dope beat, it has Caribbean flavor to it. Quasimoto makes an appearance on this track. Track is about….of course strip clubs, it’s pretty tight as well. Good

14. The Exclusive(Feat Percee P)

Ok so this ruin’s the pattern as Dilla produces it. Percee P is pretty dope. Short little track to showcase Percee P’s skills. Good

15. Survival Test

Nice Arabian type vibe here(Produced by Madlib). Dilla is decent on this track. Good enough. Good

16. Starz

Beat is produced by Dilla and it has a nice vibe to it, some sped up Chipmunk like singing samples. Madlib comes pretty tight on this track. Good

17. No Games

Madlib produces a pretty good beat, it has a fast pace to it but then kicks into a nice smooth singing type beat. Dilla comes pretty tight. Good

18. Bonus Track 1

No name is listed here, pretty good track though as Madlib’s voice goes from 1 side to the other. Good

19. Bonus Track 2

Dilla track and it’s not that good. Wack


All in all this gets a Good rating. Stones Throw once again brings the quality, and this was a nice concept album. You had Madlib rapping over Dilla’s beats and Dilla rapping over Madlib’s beats, all in all it worked. Buy this if you’re a Stones Throw fan or just a fan of Hip Hop in general.

Magic – White Eyes

Magic - White Eyes1. Intro

Oh wow an intro? Why must you spoil us?

2. War

Magic talks about having an organization built on him which is such an asinine comment. Magic tries to sing but ends up flopping, he’s probably singing to a box of jelly donuts. Really weak track with a laughable “War” type beat. Train Wreck

3. Hustler

I like the beat, it’s nothing great but it’s better than the last track. Magic sounds like he took Valium, do I care if you’re trying to make it big? Why should the listener care? Well they don’t because no one actually bought this album anyway. Average(I liked the beat)

4. What U Gonna Do

The beat sounds like it’s from some D-grade French movie. What am I gonna do? Skip this awful track of course. Train Wreck

5. Creepers

This album is so uninspired. Magic shouts out Mac which is cool but then the song kicks in which isn’t cool. Wack

6. I’ll Be There

A “love” song with a very cheap sounding beat. The girl singing is terrible. This track is very sloppy and has zero direction. Train Wreck

7. What Up Then

What is up with the beat? Did someone take Crystal Meth and decide to play with a Casio? This beat is rough and not in a good way. Magic is well….Magic on here, nothing great but a whole lotta horrid. Train Wreck

8. Shake A Little Something

Ok so this is basically Oooohweee, same beat and everything but with some idiot singing the chorus horribly and Magic is on the track and manage’s to bring the grade down even lower. Wow I can see why this album flopped. Train Wreck

9. Fire

Ok so now we have a rip off Neptunes beat, what an uninspired track with a terrible chorus. The beginning will make you change the track. Train Wreck

10. Good Life

Beat is like a bastardized Salsa type beat with a really terrible sing song chorus. I really feel sorry for the people who actually bought this….oh wait NO ONE BOUGHT THIS! Train Wreck

11. What

Ugh this isn’t the single that I heard, well I use the word single loosely here. Where’s the tractor? Where’s the straight jacket? Oh wait those were actually entertaining, Magic without funny visuals isn’t, unless you look at the Thuggin album cover. Train Wreck

12. With You

All these tracks are the same, exactly the same crap on EVERY TRACK! Skip this crap. Train Wreck

13. Friday

SAME TRACK! Magic tells all these people to call other people which is insanely stupid and a babbling mess, I was waiting for him to say “Cornelle go call Pizza Hut & get me a large supreme”. Train Wreck

14. Ball Like Us

Why is Magic trying to be a Cash Money artist? The funny thing about this track is that after this awful album was released, Magic got dropped and quickly fell off the radar. Terrible track. Train Wreck

15. Never Slippin

Magic mentions Ross Perot which is so *****ing random and surreal. You have a laughable techno type beat here and Magic sucking the life out of everything he touches. Train Wreck

16. Smoke On

This could blow anyone’s buzz. Magic is now trying to be Snoop as he has some Kokane-lite singer on the track. Weak. Train Wreck

17. Forgive Us

I guess this is supposed to be a “Spiritual” track which is funny because he just did a weed track and several women tracks. This track is such phoney dribble. Horrible way to end an album. Train Wreck

18. Outro

Ah wait we have to have an OUTRO to end this crap.


All in all this is a TRAIN WRECK!!!! Worst album ever? Yes without a doubt. This was such a poorly done “album” with songs that offer nothing to the listener. This album is a joke. White Eyes? What a *****ing farce this is.

Richie Rich – Grabs, Snatches, & Takes

Richie Rich - Grabs, Snatches, & Takes1. Don’t Curl Up(Richie Rich Feat San Quinn)

Great opening track here, nice beat, it’s not the greatest but it gets the job done. San Quinn starts it off and I don’t see what’s so great about him, sure he has lyrics and a decent flow but what else? He bores me actually, he has no charisma. Richie Rich with the second verse and third verse and they are decent. Good enough. Good

2. So Cold(Richie Rich Feat Yukmouth, Mac Dre(RIP), & PSD)

Beat is terrible, they could’ve used a better beat for this. Everyone carries their load and it turns out to be a decent track because of that, but man that beat is sloppy. Good(Because of everyone’s efforts)

3. Gangster’s Talkin'(The Team)

Track is boring and has a very annoying beat. Wack

4. I Gotcha(Frontline Feat Balance)

This is like a West Coast Rocafella track, the reason to listen to the Bay is to get away from stuff like this. I want the old Bay back, the Bay where Celly Cel was ripping up tracks and making classic albums, not this “I’m so hot you can call me..” type garbage. Wack

5. D-Boy(J. Stalin)

I have no clue who J. Stalin is but he’s not that bad, nice beat as well. Good track. Good

6. Player Lady(J. Stalin)

What is up with the track name? EA SKI!!!!! produces the beat and it’s dope!!!!!! All J. Stalin has to do is sound decent and he does. Good track! Good

7. Condo Keyz(Richie Rich Feat C-Bo)

Nice track, the beat has a dark feel to it but has that Bay feel to it as well. Richie Rich starts it off and this is a beat that fits his voice, not this bouncy spasmatic crap but the slow dark beats. C-Bo with a good verse. Richie Rich with another good verse. Good

8. When Them Boyz Come(Replacement Killers)

What is with the starting with the snoring? I like the beat and the R. Killers are pretty dope. Good

9. Pop My Collar(J. Stalin)

Way too much J. Stalin on this compilation, 3 solo tracks is over saturation for a guy I’ve never heard of. Atleast he has EA SKI!!!!! do his beats, and this beat is pretty dope. Good track. Good

10. Nuthouse Freestyle(Richie Rich Feat Keak Da Sneak & Justice)

YEA!!!! This was the track I was looking forward to and it’s dope, they add some voice effects which is dope. Richie Rich with a good verse. Justice rips the track. KEAK DA SNEAK!!!!! owns this track and makes it cook him dinner. Great track. DOPE!

11. 1800(Richie Rich)

Nice way to end the album, I’ve heard better Richie Rich tracks, but this is good. Good


All in all this gets a Good rating, this album was much better than Nixon Pryor Roundtree and for a compilation it’s well done. Cop it if you’re a Richie Rich fan, and you have to listen to Nuthouse Freestyle.

Big L – The Big Picture

Big L - The Big PictureAlbum: The Big Picture
Artist: Big L Label:
Rawkus Year: 2000

The second album from the Big L does not disappoint. Although it is his first post-death album the quality is not affected. Everyone seems to have done a good job holding it together. Although one can only assume had L been around, this album would have been much better. Big L was gunned down in the streets of Harlem, very close to very he had grown up. The killer was after his brother but because he was in jail at the time, L paid the price. He was shot multiple times and was found in an alley. Justice was never brought to the killer. He was shot in the year 1998.


The Big Picture

Put you L’s up and get ready for the BIG L. This track starts off with a Big L RIP concert and then he starts flowing. Great lyrics dominate this track. The scratching may get slightly annoying but it’s indifferent. A great intro.


Big L basically breaks down slang. He goes at a crazy speed and just raps out the slang dictionary. He says slang and gives a definition. He keeps freakin’ it with slang and criminal sling.
“Check it, my weed smoke is my lye A ki of coke is a pie”

Size ‘Em Up 

A good track. Big L raps hard on this track but the music starts off a little too loud. He has some great lyrics on this track but it is one of the weaker ones although he spits hard.
“Ayo, I shoulda been out I’m deadly when I pull the pin out”

Deadly Combination

One of the best tracks on the album. Tupac is featured on this track and he spits first. He comes pretty hard but it is Big L who dominates this track. With his quick and witty lyrics. This is truly a deadly combination from two fallen rap stars. A literally dope track.
“Follow me tell me if you feel me I think niggaz is tryin to kill me”

’98 Freestyle 

Just a freestyle. But an amazing one. Big L spits hard and shows that he has true talent on the mic. He comes correct and from his dome comes with unbelievable lyrics that are better then most prewritten lyrics today.
“Yo, ***** all the glamours and glitz, I plan to get rich I’m from New York and never was a fan of the Knicks”

Holdin’ It Down 

Big L adopts a kind of laid back style on this track. He keeps his lyrics cool and his flow mellow. It’s a nice track. Nothing hardcore but still good. On the seconds verse Stan Spit raps. He’s an average MC next to Big L but he keeps his own. His lyric’s are nothing like L’s though. Next AG flows and he’s alright. Nothing spectacular but is a nice accompaniment to the track.
“Yo, y’all fellas like to stress them chicks Impress them chicks, spend money to dress them chicks”

The Heist 

On this track Big L gets a call about his wife being with another man in a hotel. This is a good track. Big L basically tells the story about his journey to the hotel. And then he talks about exactly what he does to everyone. Heist completed
“Hey yo, I just left the studio, and it’s about 2 in the morn’ I just finished doin a song”

The Enemy 

This is a nice, laid back, dangerous track. Big L just flows with some great lyrics. He raps great and then Fat Joe goes. Fat Joe comes nicely on this track but his lyrics are nothing compared to Big L. Big L dominates this track.
“I drive up and down Harlem blocks, iced out watch Knots in my socks, cops think I’m selling rocks”

Fall Back 

One of the best songs from the album. Big L rips apart the track immediately with incomparable lyrics. Then after, the great beginning, Kool G Rap has to follow up and he does a great job. An unbelievably hard track. Both of these great rappers spit strongly.
“Aiyyo; I heard your single, you better make a whole new song If they said that shit is hot then they told you wrong”


A nice, laid back track. Big L has some nice lyrics on this soft track. It’s almost deceiving, covering up his great lyrics. A very different track, yet still great. May take a while to get into because of its simplicity.
“Make sure my mic is loud and my production is tight Better watch me round your girl if you ain’t *****ing her right”

Casualties Of A Dice Game 

Big L basically raps about a dice game he has. It starts off easy going but then becomes increasingly harder. This is another storytelling track which ends in destruction.
“Me and my man was cruisin through the streets and everything was flowin nice The corner’s crowded, niggaz must be rollin dice”

Platinum Plus

From the very first line one can tell this is going to be a great track. Big L flows nicely with a great accompaniment of lyrics. Then, Big Daddy Kane comes on. He manages to shine with some astounding lyrics. This is a great combination on a dope track.
“Yo, I’m straight loco, to hell with you and your broke hoe You ain’t a big dog, you more like Toto, you got no dough”

Who You Slidin’ With

An alright track. The chorus is a bit annoying and L doesn’t seem on his top form, although he does manage to drop some heat. Stan Spit is featured on this track but he too, doesn’t come correct.
“Henn Rock and Alize I get drunk off Whattup miss? Get wit a real man and cut that punk off”


This is a nice, slow paced track. Big L basically raps about the games that girls play with guys and to watch out for the tricks. Then Sadat X and Guru come on the track. They spits nicely but together all three of them aren’t the greatest of teams.
“Check it, a year ago I did a show for some dough Puffed a bag of hydro then broke out on the low”

The Heist Revisited 

This track has been ruined. All of it has been completely slowed down to a pace that makes you want to skip the song. It was an unnecessary filler because it detracts from the album.
“Hey yo, I just left the studio, and it’s about 2 in the morn’ I just finished doin a song”

The Triboro 

A great track. It features OC, Remi Martin Fat Joe along side Big L. It starts off at an unfamiliar fast pace. OC starts with a hard spit. He remains consistent until Big L rips the next verse. He overshadows OC who most definitely held his own. Fat Joe’s verse is a bit of a let down The previous two DITC rappers were far superior. His lyrics don’t really hold. Then Remi Martin starts rapping. Unheard of at the time. She comes with a slow pace and decent lyrics. She definitely fits in with the rest of the track. Even with this slight letdown it remains a great track. A great way to finish the album.
“I’m from a place where them niggaz don’t, talk no shit where them wigs get split, where the guns forever click”


A great album. Although nothing compared to his classic debut release, ‘Lifestylez Ov Da Poor & Dangerous’ it is still built of material that had the potential to be classic. Big L was one of the greatest lyricists. This album proves that on tracks such as “Platnium Plus” “Fall Back” “Deadly Combination” and “’98 Freestyle” Lyrically Big L was on another level but the album could have had more thought put into it.


Phil The Agony – Aromatic

Phil The Agony - Aromatic1. Aromatic Intro/The Opera(Feat Mitchy Slick)

Xzibit does a short intro and then The Opera kicks in, pretty good track with Phil doing the first verse(And rapping horribly off key) and then Mitchy outshining him on the second verse and then Phil with the third verse which is much better than his laughable first verse. Good stuff. Good

2. Steady Smoking Announcment


3. Summertime

Hi-Tek produced the beat and it’s really dope, it has a mixture of Soul and bouncy West Coast to it. Phil comes pretty dope on this track. One of the ebst tracks of 2004 actually. DOPE!

4. Everything

Long starting that just goes on forever but once Phil starts rapping it gets better. Good track. Good

5. Another Steady Smoking Announcement

Skit and I still don’t care.

6. Promises

Beat has sped up song samples which I think is dope. Track otherwise is sloppy and just all over the place. Average

7. Thousand Words(Feat Raekwon & Self Scientific)

Dope beat, can’t really describe it but it’s dope. Raekwon starts it off with a good verse. Chorus sucks. Phil rips it as well. Good

8. I Can’t Believe(Feat Xzibit & Krondon)

Beat has a soul vibe to it, very dope stuff. Phil starts it off with a good verse, then Xzibit with a dope verse, then Krondon with an average verse eh I expected more from him because of the hype he’s getting, first time hearing him and nothing great. They all repeat the pattern with good verses. Good

9. For The City(Feat Talib Kweli)

I dig the starting with the girl singing. The beat is all soul!!!! Which is dope. Kweli starts it off with a good verse, he sounds pissed for some reason. Phil with a very good verse. Great track. Good

10. Gun Churrrch

We go from good to terrible. This is like a 40 second terrible track to a 2 minute even more terrible skit. What the hell? Wack

11. Pat Jenkins(Feat Planet Asia)

Fast paced boring beat. Phil starts it off with a good verse, then Planet Asia with a decent verse. This was a boring track. Averge

12. Easy

Terrible beginning that will kill any track and the beat is awful as well. Just because Tash can do party tracks doesn’t mean you can. Train Wreck

13. Will Blast

Stupid short skit.

14. Long Time Ago

Nice beat here with song samples, this seems to be a running trend on this album. Phil raps about the basics: sipping henny, playing women, and partying. Wow what diversity. Average


Was it that hard to put these bonus tracks on different tracks? Why must the listener fast forward through all the crap just to get to this? Song sucks. Wack.

*Clear The Lane(Feat Defari)

Another hidden track and it’s decent, the beat is different and I dig it plus Defari is dopeness. Good

*Watch Out

Really good track, now why couldn’t they put this as a seperate track? This is one of the best tracks on the album and it’s a hidden track and you have to fast forward through 15 minutes, is there logic anymore? Good

*Blunted(Feat DJ Revolution(Snippet Bonus Track))

Another good track, Phil owns it on here. Good


All in all this gets a Good rating, this has its flaws just like any other album but it’s also a pretty good album with a DOPE! track. Cop if you’re a Likwit Crew fan.

Celly Cel – Song’z U Can’t Find

Celly Cel - Song'z U Can't Find1. Time To Play 

Really good track, the beat is relaxing and bouncy. Celly Cel raps about women but he also maintains his great flow and doesn’t get “lovey dovey” so it ends up being a really dope track. This track is basically a “Player” track. Good

2. My Tip Toes(Feat Levitti) 

2 really underrated artists are on this track. Levitti’s singing is a little uninspired here but it’s still good. Levitti even has a verse(!) which is really dope. Celly Cel of course rips it, man Celly Cel is the most overlooked rapper ever. Good

3. L.A. To The Bay(Feat W.C., C.J. Mac, Homicide, & Bigslep) 

Wow what a posse cut we have here. Nice beat, it has that bouncy feel to it and some funk to it. Homicide starts it off with a good verse. Celly Cel with the next verse and it’s of course really good and he outshines Homicide. Chorus is pretty dope. CJ Mac sounds really different here as he doesn’t have that raspy flow. W.C. up next with the best verse on the track. Good track. Good

4. What U Hustle Fo?(Feat Baby Beesh & Don Cisco) 

Really dope beat by K-Lou. Celly Cel starts it off with a great verse, I have no clue why Celly never got to be a huge mainstream rapper, it’s probably because he’s from the Bay(Well that is the reason), he has everything you’d want in an artist: Dope flow, dope lyrics, charisma, good presence. Such a shame he never got to be huge. Cisco with the next verse and it’s good. Beesh with a decent verse. Good track! Good

5. How I Roll 

Celly uses the “She Blinded Me With Science” beat here and IT WORKS! Celly using this sample is just dopeness! Of course Celly Cel rips the track. DOPE!(She Blinded Me With Science + Celly Cel=DOPE!)

6. Get They Wig Split(Feat C-Bo & B-Legit) 

This is off Hemp Museum and it’s a classic track. B-Legit actually raps with some enthusiasm which is dope and C-Bo rips this track and is clearly the star here although Celly gives him a run for his money. Classic track! DOPE!

7. The Only Way 

This was off the Dangerous Ground soundtrack and the beat is a little messy, Celly carries the track though because he’s Celly Cel and he could carry a Casio beat. Good(For Celly’s work)

8. Shoe Strings(Feat E-40, Mugzi, & Kaveo) 

Sloppy track here, it’s decent though but can get annoying. Kaveo starts it off with a decent verse. Mugzi with an awful verse, he should never try to rapid spit. Celly Cel outshines everyone with a great verse. E-40 with a weird verse. Mugzi & Kaveo rap again and I don’t care about either one. Average

9. Pop Yo Collar(Feat Rappin 4 Tay & Big Ton) 

DOPE!!!!!!! I love the beat. Rappin 4 Tay starts it off with a smooth verse(4 Tay is overlooked). Chorus is great and fits the song. Big Ton sounds a little rough over this beat but it works. CELLY CEL!!!!!! with the next verse and outshines everyone. DOPE!

10. Tramp Delite 

Pimp track here, decent stuff here. Celly really isn’t trying here and it shows. Average

11. We Bring The Funk(Feat Mac Shawn) 

DOPE!!!!! The beat has this siren type sound that kicks in and it really adds to the track. Mac Shawn starts it off with a dope verse then Celly with the next verse and it’s dope(Of course). Mac Shawn with another verse to end the track. Great stuff here. DOPE!

12. Beware Of Those(Feat E-40 & JT The Bigga Figga) 

Quite the all star line up here. JT produces a really hard hitting mob type beat. Celly Cel starts it off with a great verse, man he can flow over any track. JT with the next verse and it’s great and I love how the beat changes when he starts rapping. E-40 with the next verse and it’s dope. Celly Cel with another great verse, this track is insane. E-40 up next and he just kind of sings. JT up next with another verse and it’s dope. What an insane track, needs to be heard. DOPE!

13. Struggle(Feat B-Legit & Arapahoes) 

Beat is nice and relaxing with a girl singing to add effect, dope stuff and I like the piano added in. Arapahoes starts it off and what a name that is he has a decent verse though he tries to sound like Bizzy Bone by the end of it. Celly Cel with the next verse and he totally outshines the last guy. Girl sings a pretty dope chorus. I guess Arapahoes is a group and member number 2 raps up next with a decent verse. B-Legit with the next verse and it’s pretty dope, it’s typical B-Legit. Good track. Good

14. Bay Riders(Feat NFL Star William Floyd) 

Ant Banks produces the beat and it’s decent. William Floyd with the first verse and he tries atleast. Celly Cel with the next verse and it’s pretty good but short. Chorus is some girl singing the word “Bay Riders” it’s decent. Floyd with the another verse and it’s not that good but he’s atleast putting some effort into it. Celly Cel with another verse and it’s pretty dope but again too short. Yea that was a little odd. Average


All in all this gets a Good rating. Pretty good album with old tracks and old features that some didn’t get to hear. Cop this if you’re a Celly Cel fan!

Snoop Dogg – Rhythm & Gangsta

Snoop Dogg - Rhythm & Gangsta1. I Love To Give You Light(Intro) 

Actually this isn’t really an intro, in fact it’s a pretty good song to kick off the album. Snoop raps over an Alchemist beat and he actually sounds motivated. Pretty dope stuff. Good

2. Bang Out 

The beat is really sloppy, the drum machine is all over the place here. Other than the awful drums, this actually is a decent track, the girl singing isn’t that bad and Snoop tries atleast. Good(For effort)

3. Drop It Like It’s Hot(Feat Pharrell) 

This is the single and yes it is horrid. This song will play on a repeated loop in hell. Pharrell raps on here and actually outshines Snoop, when a producer is outshining you then it’s time to call it quits. This track is such an uninspired piece of garbage, from the chorus to Snoop’s terrible lyrics, this song has everything you don’t want in a song, oh yea and it has a terrible and annoying beat. Train Wreck

4. Can I Get A Flicc Witchu(Feat Bootsy Collins) 

Wow and you thought the last track was bad, this is easily one of Snoop’s worst songs ever. Man what the hell is this? Skip this tripe and never listen to it again. Train Wreck

5. Ups & Downs(Feat The Bee Gee’s) 

Great beat here as it is a sample of “Love You Inside & Out”. Snoop does a pretty good job here as he manages to not sound bored or high off his ass. Good track. Good

6. The Bidness 

Snoop raps over a bastardized Down South beat that sounds like it was rejected by Master P. Snoop actually tries here and yes he manages to carry the track. I’m surprised as well. Average

7. Snoop D O Double G 

Awful track with a boring beat. Snoop is terrible on here. Train Wreck

8. Let’s Get Blown 

Decent beat but the subject matter is terrible and played out. Snoop sings and I laugh, man this track does nothing for me. Wack

9. Step Yo Game Up(Feat LiL Jon & Trina) 

LiL Jon produced the beat and you already know how it sounds because all his stuff sounds the same. I actually like this track, it isn’t boring and it’s still weird to hear Snoop rap over this beat. LiL Jon starts it off with the usual, Snoop with the usual(As usual), and Trina outshines Snoop. Man that’s sad when Trina outshines you, she’s one of the worst rappers out and she still ruled this track. Good

10. Perfect(Feat Charlie Wilson) 

Call this Beautiful part 2 and it sucks about as bad as the original. Why the hell would you even make this crap? Let alone put this on your own album? Awful! Train Wreck

11. WBallz 

Skit and it still isn’t funny.

12. Fresh Pair Of Panties On 

Dig these great title tracks! Well actually don’t dig them because they are atrocious. Terrible track with awful singing and bad rapping by Snoop, hey it’s like a Snoop single! Wack

13. Promise 

A good track with a nice relaxing beat with some decent singing thrown in there and Snoop actually sounds decent on here. Good

14. Oh No(Feat 50 Cent) 

Pretty dope track, nothing great or anything but it does a good job to get your head moving. Has a nice “G-Unit ready for war” type beat. Snoop starts it off with a decent verse. 50 Cent sounds a little different here, well sort of, he has a good verse actually and easily outshines Snoop. Snoop with another verse and it’s better than his first. Good track. Good

15. Can U Control Yo Hoe(Feat Soopafly) 

Man these song titles are annoying me. They ruin a good beat by singing over it and just goofing around. Wack(What a waste of a good beat)

16. Signs(Feat Charlie Wilson & Justin Timberlake) 

Yes Timberlake is on this song and he drops the F bomb as well. Track is catchy thanks to Charlie Wilson. This is a dance track and has a nice fast paced party beat. Good track actually as it is catchy as all hell. Good

17. I’m Threw Witchu(Feat Soopafly) 

Another awful track name. What a terrible track, such a waste of Soopafly. Train Wreck

18. Pass It Pass It 

Neptunes produced one terrible beat. I have never liked the Neptunes and probably will never like them, shit like this is why I don’t like them. Just an awful track that should be erased from rap. Train Wreck

19. Girl Like You(Feat Nelly) 

Best track on the album, I dig the beat by LT Hutton and Nelly doesn’t annoy me on here. Good

20. No Thang On Me(Feat Bootsy Collins) 

Snoop babbles in the beginning and sings in an awful moment. What a crock of shit this is. Terrible way to end the album. Train Wreck

All in all this gets a TRAIN WRECK rating, yes this is one of the worst albums I have ever heard with tracks that should have never been made. Avoid this like the plague because it’s easily “Worst Album Of The Year”.

Max Julian – Smoke N Roll

Max Julian - Smoke N RollBefore I get started, yes this is former Regime member Mad Max.


1. Smokin N Rollin

Great way to start off the album, no stupid 30 second intro just straight music. Nice bouncy West Coast beat that you can bump in your car, Max raps in a deeper voice than he did with the Regime but he still raps tight on here. Good track. Good

2. This Is How We Get Down

Has an apoloyptic end of the world type sound in the beginning then resorts into pretty basic stuff. The repeated “This Is How We Get Down” sayings get annoying but once it gets to Max rapping it gets pretty good. Good

3. We Havin It

Your basic West song but it’s really good and something to bump in the ride. Max sounds more like Mad Max here which is pretty dope. Beat is pretty good on here as 3 different sounds take place and works pretty well. Good

4. L.A. L.A.

Song is about…of course Los Angeles. The beat is mellow and pretty dope with some decent guitar work thrown in there. Chorus is simple but it works, Max raps pretty dope on this. There’s a guest on here but the bad thing is he’s not listed as a feature which is pretty annoying, in fact there are some more guests, this is sloppy work on the album designer’s part because he should’ve listed the rap names. Still a good track. Good

5. I’m In Love

Wow this beat sounds like some 70’s sitcom haha, I guess Max is trying to channel Sanford & Son & The Love Boat at the same time. I really don’t like these kind of tracks, this is one of those slow, plodding, & boring tracks. Skip. Average(I do however dig the sitcom beat)

6. Forget About The Bad Times

Great starting with the sped up soul sample. Max raps about his struggles and such. Pretty good track. Good

7. On My Way Now

Boring beat, Max raps about his struggles growing up and making it in the rap game. Good lyrics but really boring overall. Average

8. Baby Girl

Really bouncy piano beat, not a very good track all in all. These tracks in my opinion suck because they have no value to them. Wack

9. Havana

Speaking of no value. This is like some low rent Fiesta Remix. Horrible track, seriously I cannot believe Max would stoop this low. Skip this and never look back. Train Wreck

10. Ready For A Thug

Looks like they’re getting the crap out of the way now because again this track sucks. I don’t care what you bought your girl and where you took your girl, seriously why would anyone listen to this garbage? This makes me despise current rap. Train Wreck

11. Hummer For The Summer

-Much better, I dig the bouncy West Coat beat, but the “Hummer for the summer” sayings are pretty annoying. This is about riding in a Hummer, yea great subject matter but it’s catchy so I’ll give it a Good rating. Good

12. Ready For War

DOPE!!! Here is the main reason to get this album! This is easily the ebst song in 2004! Max uses a Lord Of The Rings line which is kind of lame but he’s MAD MAX!!!! so he can get away with it. Beat is gangsta and easily the best beat of 2004! Chorus is great and you can bump this in the car, in fact I bumped this straight for 20 minutes in the ride just because it’s that dope of a track heh. DOPE!

13. C’Mon People

Annoying starting but once it kicks in it gets pretty good. It’s basically a club track but it’s still pretty good and well done. Nice bouncy gangtsa type beat and Max comes tight on this. Good

14. Pop Them Bottles

Yea I don’t care either, in fact the starting will automatically make you skip the track. Wack

15. Why You Wanna Hate Me

Decent beat and a really annoying chorus but Max carries it well and he channels the Regime here with the gunshot sound effects. Good

16. Just Cause I Didn’t Say

This is not the kind of sample to rap over, seriously. This is such an awkward track. Wack

17. Champion

Great way to end the album, see no stupid 20 second outro’s! Max showing the world that he’s here and that he’s….well a champion, pretty dope track with a Southern type beat to it. Good


I’m actually going to give this album and Max Julian the benefit of the doubt and give this a Good rating. No skits which is always good! If you’re a Regime fan then yes cop this, and you have to listen to Ready For War!

Mr. Doctor – Documentary

Mr. Doctor - DocumentaryDisc 1

1. In The Beginning

Just an intro.

2. The Invitation The Observation

Beat is pretty dope, I dig the singing mixed in. Mr. Doctor is one of those rappers who has a great flow but his lyrics and concepts can get wack, but this isn’t the case here as he rips the track. Good track. Good

3. Made Man


4. Fellas

Great beat here, I dig the “Fellas” sample. Mr. Doctor rips the track here. This is way different than his other material and that’s a good thing, not saying his other material is wack, hell I enjoyed Bombay a lot even though a lot of people hated that album. I thought Bombay was overlooked, anyway back to the track, Mr. Doc’s flow is on point here. Good

5. Reality(Feat Mihkil & DC)

Beat is basic but it gets the job done. Wow Mihkil sucks really bad on the mic. His flow is sloppy and really just all over the place. Mr. Doc outshines him of course. What I like about this track is the chorus with the scratching. I can tell Mr. Doctor is going for a more Hip Hop feel here and it works, only bad thing is Mihkil. Good

6. The Signing


7. Vibrations(Feat Adrian Baker Of The Beach Boys)

Wow talk about weird, this track actually works! Great beat here and props to Mr. Doctor for trying something different and pulling it off. Good

8. Bangin Dirty(Feat LiL Flip)

I cannot stand LiL Flip, I think he’s one of the worst rappers out. The beat has a Down South feel to it, it’s not very good and Flip has the first verse and it’s horrible. Mr. Doc tries to carry this but no go because this track sucks. Wack

9. I’m These Streets

Slow beat here and it’s pretty good, nice and relaxing. Mr. Doctor raps pretty well on this track. Good

10. Real Talk


11. Three Theories(Feat E-40 & LiL Keke)

Wow weird guests here but both are dope so I’m not complaining. Beat is a little sloppy, well it’s a lot sloppy and not good at all. Everyone comes tight but that beat drags it down. Average


Another damn skit. This is getting on my nerves!

13. They Betta Know(Feat Lo-Cel)

Starts off with some scratching, nice touch here as Mr. Doctor is trying to shake the cliche’d gangsta rap image. Mr. Doctor tries to semi rap fast and it works. I dig this track here, the beat is nice and semi-fast. Good

14. All The Deals, All The Work

Another skit, people didn’t buy your album to listen to these, just saying.

15. So Crazy(Feat Savina Hail & Vero)

Soft type beat which is pretty dope actually, I’m not really into slow type love tracks but this beat is really good and Doc’s flow is pretty tight. Good track. Good

16. Bust Back(Feat Foe Loco & Lo-Cel)

Nice to see an Odysea member on here. Track has a pretty dope gangsta type beat, I just don’t like the chorus, it’s very annoying with the constant “You betta bust back” sayings thrown in there. Good track overall but man I could’ve done without the chorus. Good

17. The Releases


18. Money, Dollas, Fetti, Cash(Feat Big Q)

Wack track with an awful drum type beat mixed in with a piano. Track is about not paying these “ho’s” or whatever. Wack

19. I’m High(Skit)

Another skit.

20. Tragedy(Feat Die Trying)

What the hell is this? Seriously what is this? This is awful with a weak rock type vibe to it. This is the drizzling shits. Train Wreck

21. You Don’t Know The Real(Feat Levitti, Arsen, & Mista Cane)

Levitti sounds bored singing this track, that’s not a good sign. Decent track here with everyone coming tight hell even Levitti sounding bored is good because Levitti owns! Good

22. Do*****entary

Outro to the first disc.

Disc 2 

1. Intro: Lorenzo Green Eyes(Chopped & Dropped)


2. Reality(Chopped & Dropped)

Self explanitory. Same track just chopped.

3. The Invitation, The Observation(Chopped & Dropped)


4. Bangin Dirty(Chopped & Dropped)


5. I’m You(Chopped & Dropped)


6. Three Theories(Chopped & Dropped)


7. They Betta Know(Chopped & Dropped)


8. Bust Back(Chopped & Dropped)


9. You Don’t Know The Real(Chopped & Dropped)


10. Outro: Lorenzo Green Eyes(Chopped & Dropped)

Finally the outro to this mess.

11. Don’t Ask Me Why(Feat Jay-Z)

Yup Doc got Jigga on a track, which is pretty cool once you think about it. Beat has a Swizz/Neptunes club vibe to it, not that good really. Mr. Doc comes pretty tight and Jay-Z has a good verse. Average

12. Who’s That Man

Terrible track with an awful beginning. Skip this. Train Wreck

13. Keep it Gangsta(Feat 50 Cent, Babe Reg, & Lorenzo Green Eyes)

Wow talk about weird. This is easily the best track on the album, really good beat here, nice and gangsta. Everyone comes tight and 50 Cent doesn’t even sound like himself. Good

14. Mic Check(Feat Big Q)

Really good track, nice way to end the album. I dig the eerie beat, forget the last track this IS the best track on the album. Good


All in all this gets a Good rating. This album is different than anything Mr. Doctor has done, some tracks weren’t that good and I could’ve done without all the Chopped & Dropped tracks but all in all this is a good album.