Add review

Log on to the admin panel and choose Reviews – Add New in the side menu:



First add a title to the new review, in this format: “Artist – Album name”. By doing this first, you secure that the URL is Google optimized.



Write or paste your review in the main (big) window.

Choose categories (checkbox) in the right side Categories block. In the below example, “’00” (for decade the album was released) and “From The Vault” has been selected.



Write the artist name as a Tag by typing in the artist name and click “Add” in the Tags block. Once added, it will be listed as in the example below:


Go on and search for the album there. Once you get to the albums page at amazon, right click the big cover picture and save to your hard drive. Always use Amazon – this secures that all our reviews has the same size of the cover image.

Click the “Featured image” link in the bottom right side block:



Choose “Upload Files” at the top of the popped up window.



Click the “Select files” button and select the album cover on your hard drive. Once double clicked, the cover will upload (this may take a few seconds) and automatically be checked in the returning screen. Then click “Set featured image”. This is done to show the cover in listings etc:



Set your marker in the main window (where the actual review is) before the first letter of the review. Click the “Add Media” button:



Choose the album cover that you just uploaded as the featured image (should be the first image there even though it’s not in this example). Click the “Intert into post” button:



The cover will show up before the first letter in your review:



Click the image once, and click the window button that is displayed:



There are 3 things to change in the window that popps up:

Change alignment to “Right” (checkbox)
Change Alternative Text to the review name (Artist – Album title)
Remove the Link URL by clicking the “None” button below the Link URL line.
Click “Update”



The result should be:



Click the “Publish” button on the right hand side. Your review is published!